NIB Crowns 2020 with 9 Lessons, Carols and Thanksgiving Service.
The National Investment Bank (NIB) has capped 2020 with a spectacular Festival of Nine Lessons, Carol and Thanksgiving Service. The Thursday, 17th December, 2020 event was held at the forecourt of the bank’s New Head office at Manet Tower B, Plot 25 – Airport City.
The annual event was aimed at singing melodious carols to herald the festive Christmas season as well as thank God for his covering over the bank’s Board of Directors, Management, Staff, Customers and all stakeholders throughout a tumultuous 2020 plagued by a COVID-19 pandemic. It was also to seek for God’s divine guidance in the ensuing year.
Most Rev. Charles Gabriel Palmer Buckle, Metropolitan Archbishop of Cape Coast who was the Guest Speaker, admonished Management and Staff in his sermon, to rededicate themselves to the will and desires of God. He challenged staff to be diligent, upright and candid by exhibiting utmost commitment in the discharge of their duties. “This is a call to duty and every one of you here should execute his/her work with the seriousness it deserves and see it as your own”.
Most Rev. Charles Gabriel Palmer-Buckle urged Staff of NIB to “eschew the pull-him/her-down-syndrome’ but be each other’s keeper. As the theme of the event ‘He hath Made Everything Beautiful, In His Time’ depicts, let everything about you and your action be anew. That, coupled with hard work, and God’s favour will certainly bring you success.”
On the December, 2020 General Elections, Most Rev. Palmer-Buckle asked staff to be thankful to God for a successfully conducted elections.
The Managing Director (MD) of NIB, Mr. Samuel Sarpong in his New Year Message to Management and Staff indicated that “2020 was one particular year that brought some modest successes to NIB in spite of the numerous challenges faced by businesses across the globe. NIB was able to step up its aggressive strategic plan aimed at meeting the needs of customers. This “forms part of efforts at increasing our market share, and maximizing shareholder’s wealth.”
Mr. Sarpong reechoed the Bank’s commitment to continue to do viable business with all its customers, and to support government’s industrialization agenda as the Bank reverts to its core mandate.
“The Nine Lessons, Carol and Thanksgiving Service presents an opportunity for us all to reaffirm our commitment to working hard towards returning the bank to profitability. The future of NIB is bright and I urge everyone to put hands to the wheel, so that our vision could be attained.
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